Miracle Munchies - Gluten-Free Baking Mixes

Gluten-Free Meal Mixes

All mixes are made with organic grains and are Yeast-Free, Dairy-Free, Casin-Free and Corn-Free
**with the exception of the Banana bread and Carob Brownies (these all contain corn).

All mixes are made with no preservatives, no artificial dyes, color or flavors and are not
made with refined sugar. Click on any product image to enlarge.


gluten-free spanish rice

Gluten-Free Spicy Spanish Rice Mix

Even though rice is gluten-free naturally, this mix has NO FILLERS that could make it NOT a gluten-free product. Most store bought brands not only have the fillers but they also contain harmful ingredients. This mix has NO MSG, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors. It's made only with the best all natural ingredients, which are whole grain brown rice & wonderful spices.

Whole grains such as brown rice, are more nutritious than refined grains. They retain the bran & the germ, which are rich in vitamins B & minerals and fiber, and also in beneficial phytochemicals. Phytochemicals may guard against cariovascular disease.

This rice makes a great side dish or put it in your burritos, use in a casserole for a little zip in flavor. Use your imagination. This is spicy but delicious & healthy too. Kid tested & approved.
this product is sugar-free!

copyright 2003-2011, Miracle Munchies. All rights reserved
this gluten-free website designed by Cherie