Miracle Munchies - Gluten-Free Baking Mixes

Gluten-Free Fruit Bread Mixes

All mixes are made with organic grains and are Yeast-Free, Dairy-Free, Casin-Free and Corn-Free
**with the exception of the Banana bread and Carob Brownies (these all contain corn).

All mixes are made with no preservatives, no artificial dyes, color or flavors and are not
made with refined sugar. Click on any product image to enlarge.


gluten-free pumpkin bread

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bread Mix

The wealth of carotenoid pigments that make pumpkins orange may protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease & cancer,and may ward off age-related vision loss. Pumpkin is a top source of lutein, a carotenoid linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in Americans over the age of 60. Also pumpkin has healthy amounts of fiber, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin c and iron. This bread is not only moist & delicious. Its great for you too! So eat for good Health. This bread is not very sweet that way you can really taste the wonderful spices And that is what they are!! This bread is moist & delicious a perfect pumpkin bread. This is also SUGAR-FREE! Kid tested & Approved.

Ingredients: Organic brown rice flour, may contain one or more of the following: (potato starch, tapioca flour, arrowroot flour) Gluten-Free and Aluminum-Free baking powder (monocalcium phosphate, potato starch, potassium bicarbonate) sea salt, xanthan gum, spices, and lots of love.

gluten-free apple bread

Gluten-Free German Apple Bread, Muffin or Bar Mix

As we all remember the old saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Thats for a good reason studies indicate that pectin and other soluble fibers are effective in lowering cholesterol levels.So even though this bread is a major treat you still have some great health benefits to it so ENJOY this guilt free dessert! This is also one of my top sellers! For any of you that want a real super treat. Perfect in the morning right out of the oven with that cup of coffee or tea. Or for a brunch or after dinner. Your guests will never know it's gluten-free, it's that wonderful! Kid tested & Approved.

Ingredients: Organic brown rice flour, may contain one or more of the following: (potato starch, Tapioca flour, arrowroot flour) Gluten-Free and Aluminum-Free baking powder (monocalcium phosphate, potato starch, potassium bicarbonate) sea salt, xanthan gum, Rapadura, unsulfered and unsweetened dried apples, spices, and lots of love.

gluten-free banana bread

Like Old Fashion Banana bread, Gluten-Free/Sugar-Free

Feel like a piece of Old fashion banana bread? The one mom used to make. Well even though this is GF and sugar-free you'll swear it's the real deal. Moist & delicious. Bring it to a party no one will know it's different!! Bananas are high in potassium which helps regulate your heart beat & bloodpressure. You're doing your body good with this one. So Enjoy! Makes a large loaf. Kid tested & Approved.

Ingredients: Organic brown rice flour, may contain one or more of the following: (Potato starch, Tapioca flour, arrowroot) Xanthan gum, spices, xylitol (corn), and lots of love.

copyright 2003-2011, Miracle Munchies. All rights reserved
this gluten-free website designed by Cherie